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vSphere 5.1 vCenter Virtual Appliance and vSphere Web Client Video Tutorial Series

During the beta process I created a few videos to demonstrate how easy it is to use the new vSphere Web Client. These videos were created during the beta period so some things might have changed. I have demonstrated the entire process of setting up the entire vSphere environment strictly through the vSphere Web Client and never touching the C# client. Enjoy!




Lesson 01: vSphere vCenter Virtual Appliance Deployment

Learn how to deploy the appliance correctly to make sure AD/DNS doesn't screw up because it took me about 40x to get the process correctly. We will also look at all the options for databases, SSO, etc.



Lesson 02: Exploring the vSphere Web Client and Configuring Active Directory Permissions



Lesson 03: Adding Hosts with the vSphere Web Client



Lesson 04: Creating a Distributed Virtual Switch and Portgroups with the vSphere Web Client



Lesson 05: Add Hosts to the vDS with the vSphere Web Client



Lesson 06: Add iSCSI and NFS Datastores with the vSphere Web Client



Lesson 07: Create Server and Datastore Clusters with the vSphere Web Client


Lesson 08: Creating Templates and Deploying Virtual Machines from the vSphere Web Client


Lesson 09: OVA/OVF Deployment using the vSphere Web Client


Lesson 10: Configuring and Using Storage Profiles in the vSphere Web Client


Lesson 11: Some New vSphere 5.1 Features from the vSphere Web Client


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LESS ERROR : load error: failed to find /home4/kacole2/public_html/templates/tx_zenith/less/styles/blue.lessLESS ERROR : load error: failed to find /home4/kacole2/public_html/templates/tx_zenith/less/styles/green.lessLESS ERROR : load error: failed to find /home4/kacole2/public_html/templates/tx_zenith/less/styles/orange.lessLESS ERROR : load error: failed to find /home4/kacole2/public_html/templates/tx_zenith/less/styles/purple.less