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VCE Vblock Visio Stencils

Edit 2/22/2013

VCE Vblock Visio Stencils version 2 is out! Get it below!


Simon Long got in touch with me because he wanted a Vblock Visio stencil he could use for a diagram he was creating. Of course, nothing like that existed until now. I created a few Vblock stencils that you can use in Microsoft Visio. These stencils can be used by partners for presentations to show they are Vblock Qualified or by parent companies to show validated diagrams such as a Cisco Virtualized Multi-Tenant Data Center Solution.


Here is the download link. The .vss is located in the .zip. VCEVblockStencils.zip <- OLD VERSION


Download version 2 here:


Here are just some the Vblock Stencils in version 2!



Here are pictures of some of the stencils shown in the vss. Enjoy!: These are old .vss pictures



Updated 2/10/2012 with 8 more new images of Vblock 300 and 700 series... some shown below.



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